Single-sided Hearing Loss

Hearing Aid Style

Single-sided Hearing Loss

Solutions for people with hearing loss in mainly one ear.

Single Sided Hearing Loss

Product Features

We typically recommend either a CROS or a BiCROS system. A CROS system consists of a single microphone and single receiver contained in two individual devices (one for each ear). The ear with little-to-no functional hearing is fit with the microphone-equipped device, and the ear with normal hearing is fit with the receiver-equipped device. Sound arriving at the ear with hearing loss will then transmit through a wireless connection to the receiver-equipped device on the normal-hearing ear — to help you hear sounds regardless of which side they’re coming from.

A BiCROS system consists of a microphone-equipped device that is fit to the poorer-hearing ear and a conventional hearing aid fit to the better-hearing ear that has some hearing loss.

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Customer Reviews

Tom and the staff always provide the best and friendly customer service. I am very happy that I chose NewSound for my hearing aids!

jim zenz, on Google

The entire staff was so polite and professional even though I couldn't hear anything they were so patient and found ways to communicate with me I'm so glad that I went there and I will definitely refer people to the hearing center thank you for everything yous did for me...

Wayne Moyer, on Google

Tom and Stephanie are top notch and very efficient. I appreciate their dedication and quality of care. When it’s time to replace my hearing aids I plan to have Tom recommend the right aides for my needs.

Joseph Bernstein, on Google

Great staff! Polite and friendly. Always helpful and takes the time work with you.

james cipriano, on Google

Tom and Stephanie had previously taken excellent care of my father’s hearing needs to greatly improve quality of life. He was fitted with the best hearing aids for his situation, and was provided instructive and friendly monitoring visits. When the opportunity arose my husband and I were happy to sign...

Connie Medve, on Google

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